If you are ready to start exploring the possibilities of paid social media ads and marketing tactics for your house cleaning business, you may find yourself overwhelmed by the number of options and the amount of information available to you. The benefits of a house cleaning service are obvious. But how can you communicate these benefits with ads? Looking at house cleaning ads examples and templates can help you avoid decision fatigue and get straight to action.

There’s no need to worry that decision fatigue will stop you from choosing the right image, writing the perfect copy, or even timing it well. This post provides some engaging house cleaning ads examples and templates to inspire you to start your own campaign. First, though, let’s look at the basics of creating and running ads.

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Getting started with house cleaning business ads

Before looking at examples of house cleaning ads, you need to start by brainstorming some ideas. You have to know about the makeup of an ad in order to be able to create a good one yourself.

 Breaking down ads into a checklist

Checking off individual action items can make ad creation much easier. Break down ads into smaller elements, and check them off one by one. In general, to create an ad, you’ll need the following basic elements:

  • Media (photo, videos, graphics, gifs)
  • A headline
  • A description
  • Ad copy
  • A call to action ‌

These all work together to speak to people who see your ads and take them to a landing page where you can capture them as a lead (get their email) or even get them to make a purchase.

Let’s break down each element in the following house cleaning ads example:

This example of a house cleaning ad creates awareness of the business by asking users to “like” the company’s business page.
  • Media: House cleaning company The Maids has used a photo of an employee and edited it to include a Mr. Clean–like figure, who is recognizably associated with hygiene.
  • Headline: For this brand awareness ad, the headline is the name of the business.
  • Description: This tells people the type of service they provide, namely, home care.
  • Ad copy: This ad copy focuses on staying safe and clean during flu season.
  • Call to action: Instead of pushing sales, they ask only that you like their page on Facebook.‌

After you have understood these elements, you’ll want to learn the following tricks to create ads that drive sales and awareness.

Understanding buyer personas

When you write your ad, you’re speaking to thousands of people. Writing like your ideal client (or buyer persona) is on the other side of your screen will make the copy relatable.

When you write your headline, description, call to action, and even the content on your landing page, think in your ideal buyer’s voice.

If you haven’t yet created buyer personas, you can start with that to help you with copy ideas. Some of the best copy comes straight from your former clients’ words.‌

Creating benefit-driven ads

One mistake that businesses of all sizes make is talking about themselves too much. As a potential user, would you rather read about when this company was founded or how their product will make you happier in 10 days?

One is about the advertiser, and the other is about the customer.

Making cleaning emotional with good copy

What is “good copy”? House cleaning ads can seem straightforward. All you need to do is write about the services you offer, right? Wrong! The best copy uses the above points (buyer persona and benefit-driven text) and takes them one step further.

Make ads emotional. They don’t have to be tear-jerkers, but a clean home makes a world of difference. Think of the stay-at-home mom who’s overwhelmed or the elderly man who could use help. Imagine your buyer persona and what makes them sigh with relief.

Write something that evokes the same response.

Calls to action (CTAs)

A CTA can make or break your ad. So, remember that it has to be immediate, action-focused (use verbs!), and relevant to the rest of your ad. For instance, if you just offered a free guide, don’t use “buy now,” or it will leave readers confused and suspicious of your intentions.

Finally, take all these elements, and start making your own ad. Or work on a social media marketing platform like Constant Contact to get additional support.

So, what might engaging house cleaning ads look like?

Engaging house cleaning ads examples

1. Before and after 

Most house cleaning ads are focused on showing how you do the work. They picture sponges or people in the process of cleaning. While this is okay for creating awareness of your brand, it’s not as engaging as you might think.

Whether you’re cleaning the inside or the outside of a home, what homeowners want to see is a big difference. Why should they hire a service when they can just point a hose at it themselves? Show them with photos of previous work demonstrating how you can take their space to a new level of cleanliness.

Your potential clients will see the ad and start thinking about which surfaces inside and outside their homes could benefit.

Green’s Outdoor Cleaning uses before and after images not just to prove their services are good but also to inspire potential customers to want the same results.

2. Use satisfying images or videos

If you’re trying to reach a lot of potential leads for your house cleaning business, try using longer, more engaging content. Take a page out of TikTok’s book. #CleanTikTok is the hashtag on the platform that takes you to a seemingly endless supply of satisfying cleaning videos.

Make your next ad a little more gratifying by using media like this photo of near-perfect carpet cleaning lines featured in an ad by Crystal-Light Cleaning, LLC. Your ad should grab attention and build engagement. The best house cleaning ads ideas use internet trends you’re already seeing on social media to keep you watching.

Crystal-Light Cleaning, LLC knows that fresh-cleaned carpet lines are satisfying to their customers. The video reminds people of how it feels to have a clean home.

3. Benefit-driven ads

It’s worth mentioning once more that your ads should focus on how your service will change your clients’ lives.

Maid Right advertises with short, to-the-point copy consistent with their message that your time is valuable, and life is short.

This ad by Maid Right does precisely that. Let’s break it down into why this ad is so well done.

  • The headline is concise and to the point.
  • The description “contact us for a FREE estimate!” provides an offer.
  • There is a clear CTA to “Learn More.”
  • The copy clearly lays out the four main reasons why this ad deserves your attention.

One reason why this ad is so brilliant is that it delivers the same message across the board. Maid Right knows you don’t have time, so it keeps the copy short and gets straight to the point.

4. Social proof ads

Social proof describes how people look to others to decide how to act and what to like. Marketing uses social proof to influence buyers by sharing others’ opinions on the product or service.

Pure Green Cleaning did a great job of taking a testimonial and editing it to be visually attractive and provide social proof in an ad.

Use your testimonials to run social proof ads, as Pure Green Cleaning does. Add a call to action button that leads potential clients right to your product page.

5. Seasonal ads

While ads that you can use all year (known as evergreen ads) are a great way to value your time, seasonal ads can also be effective. Take this TruBlue ad below. They’ve found a real pain point of their customers — summer heat damage — and shown how they’re able to help.

TruBlue Total House Care addresses seasonal pain points in this summer ad they can run every year.

Not only are TruBlu cleaning, but they’re also — as their name suggests — getting hands-on by providing total care for your home. To improve on a template like this, make sure you have a clear headline, description, and call to action button.

6. Ads that share recognition

House cleaning services are not hard to find, but you can set yourself apart by sharing the recognition you’ve received. This ad by Home Cleaning Centers of America does just that:

This ad by Home Cleaning Center of America reminds users why they’re different, mentioning products their target audience cares about.

This company tells you right in the ad copy that not all services are the same. Their service is different, or better, because they use OSHA-approved products and hire friendly staff. The photo they include is aspirational, showing a spotless, beautiful home with expert design. The whole ad gives you an idea of how nice your own home could look.

7. Ads that ease worries

Top-performing house cleaning ads speak directly to their target audience’s needs and fears. If you know that one of the main reasons people are reluctant to use your service is because they’re ashamed of the state of their home, address that.

Adding a pain point like The House Cleaning Squad’s “no judgment” copy can make the difference to whether a client chooses your service.

This ad from The House Cleaning Squad does a lot of things right. For one, it’s evergreen, so they can use it anytime — as long as the $246 price remains the same. Also, it provides all the information that someone might want to see on the website, right on the ad: price, size of home for that price, and phone number.

Finally, it uses the copy to quickly address two main concerns clients have: whether they need a contract and whether they’re past the point of help. If your clients often don’t seek help until their house is something they’re ashamed of, reassure them that your service is judgment-free.

8. Ads that speak their clients’ language

This ad by JLM Cleaning Mullica Hill reaches out directly to the client they’re targeting:

This company’s ad makes great use of emojis and space to create an easy-to-read, funny ad.

The image portrays how moms and dads that hire this service are feeling when they finally call for help.

This family has priorities other than cleaning, but it still feels like they deserve to live in a clean home. So, what if someone could do the cleaning just like mom? This company gives the message that it is equipped to provide the deep, professional clean that this home needs.

Here are some winning points that you can recreate from this ad:

  • A headline that mentions your brand with moderate use of emojis
  • A description that highlights a pain point
  • Short copy that’s fun and easy to understand

Applying these tips to your ads can help to improve them.

9. Ads that paint a picture

Though ads that recognize the circumstances of potential clients and address their pain points are effective, there are other ways to show the benefits of your service. Show potential customers what it will make them feel like — not just what the carpet will look like or how clean the house will be but how their family looks in a clean home.

The Cleaning Authority does a great job of conveying the joys of a clean home without using common images like cleaning supplies.

This house cleaning ads example by The Cleaning Authority uses this approach well.

There are no cleaning products or staff in the image. There’s just a baby getting washed. This is because they want you to picture a life where you don’t even think about cleaning. It is dealt with for you.

Their headline is clear, their descriptions provide an offer, and their CTA prompts viewers to “Learn More.”

10. House cleaning ads that highlight staff

This house cleaning ads example from The Maids proves ads can also be fun:

With its creativity and pop of color, The Maids created an ad that’s hard to ignore.

The image reminds you of a superhero movie poster, and the copy goes with it perfectly.

“The Maids of Plano Knock Housework Out!”

Again, the headline is to the point and makes an offer. The description is clear, and the CTA is immediate. What’s great about getting creative with your ads is that it will make them memorable. As long as your key elements are there, play around with the options and you’re likely to see positive results.

Ad templates for Google search and display

Of course, not all ads look exactly like the examples above. To finish off, we’ll give you a few templates you can use to advertise on Google.

Google Search

Google search ads have four main parts: the headline, the text, a description, and a call to action. There is no media option, they have a few requirements regarding text limits, and they don’t allow all caps titles like “FREE ROOM.”  This ad from Magical Maids looks appealing and isn’t too lengthy, meaning that the text doesn’t drop off. 

This is what a good Google search ad looks like, with all text fitting within the limits.

Google Display templates

If, instead, you want to do Google Display advertising, you can take inspiration from the banner ads below. The size and structure of the ad will depend on placement. Overall, you want a bright ad that catches the eye and makes it travel from the top of the ad to the bottom (or from left to right).

Sidebar banner

A banner ad like this will catch the attention of your potential customer and inform them about what you offer.

This simple sidebar banner ad template makes it obvious which services are offered and uses bright colors to engage those who see it. While the business name is included at the top, it’s the service that is emphasized in the largest font. The website and phone number also feature at the bottom, allowing viewers to take action in ways other than ad clicks.

Boxed ad template

If you want to create a smaller ad, keep your ad copy shorter, and choose your font size wisely. Too much text in too many different sizes can mean that your potential clients have to work too hard to understand it. It’s fastest and easiest if you stick to ready-made templates.

Like a coupon in the newspaper, a boxed template is a quick and easy way to create awareness online and offer small discounts to close the sale.

House cleaning ads examples: getting inspired

Now that you have seen some real-life house cleaning ads examples, creating your own ads should feel a lot more doable. You now know how to start brainstorming ideas for ads, the elements that make up an ad, and the campaigns that other companies in your industry are using. Next, you can start defining your own target audience, the main benefits of your business, and what sets you apart.

Create an ad that’s inspired by any of these examples or by another ad that you have seen. Just remember to make it unique to your business and all the great things you have to offer.